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Mutts and Moggies, Or Pure Pedigrees – Which Pets Make The Best ESAs?

Mutts and Moggies, Or Pure Pedigrees – Which Pets Make The Best ESAs?

Do you have questions about types of emotional support animals? If you’ve got an emotional or mental health illness or condition that affects your life, you may be considering an ESA as part of your treatment plan. Which pets make the best ESAs comes down to the type of animal you bond with, and how the animal may help you manage your symptoms.

When it comes to what type of pet will make the best emotional support animal, there really is no one size that fits all. Moggies, mutts, and pure pedigrees can all make fantastic ESAs! Most people chose to make their pets that they already have at home their ESA dog or cat.

Read on through points to consider when choosing an ESA. You are likely to come up with some resolution on the type of pet or ESA that may be the best fit for you.

What’s Your Special Connection?

The bond between someone and their emotional supportt animal is at the very core of the support they provide. People with emotional support animals feel a special connection with their animal, or that they “get” and understand each other.

Sometimes there is a species you just click with. Many people are naturally drawn to either dogs or cats. Others may get a kick out of the characteristics of a rabbit. Some people may feel a very deep felt affinity with a particular breed. Have you ever melted at the sight of a mighty Maine Coon or lit-up up at the thought of a Labrador? Then there’s the magic that can happen when you meet an animal for the first time at an animal shelter and just “know” they’re the one.

What’s Appropriate?

The purpose of an ESA is to help alleviate symptoms associated with emotional and psychological conditions. This can happen in many ways. There is the unconditional love, comfort, and affection, along with all aspects of what you do to take care of your animal’s needs.

It is true that any domestic animal can be an emotional support animal. But, realistically, it is dogs and cats that are the most appropriate and recognized.

What Are Your Symptoms?

ESAs can help people with a range of symptoms associated with conditions. These include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, stress, bipolar, mood and personality disorders and many more. (NB: If the thought of caring for an animal elevates any of these, then an ESA may not be right for you!)

People with anxiety may feel that that the companionship of a dog can help with a sense of security and safety. The act of grooming a long-haired dog or cat may help calm and soothe someone’s stress. Sharing your life with either a dog or a cat can help reduce any feelings of isolation and loneliness that often accompany mental illnesses.

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