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Spotted: Cow At A McDonald’s Drive-Through In Wisconsin

Spotted: Cow At A McDonald’s Drive-Through In Wisconsin

MARSHFIELD — Spotted in a car at a McDonald’s drive-through in Wisconsin: A cow — all of it.

Jessica Nelson of Mosinee pulled into the drive-through at a McDonald’s in Marshfield on Thursday and said she looked up to see a cow in the backseat of a Buick sedan three cars ahead of her.

“I thought it was fake at first. Who puts a cow in a Buick?” she told The Associated Press on Friday. “Then its whole head moved.”

She quickly picked up her phone and shot video of the bovine.

“I just took the video of it because I was blown away there was a cow in the back of a Buick,” she said.

She posted the video on her Facebook page with the caption “A WHOLE FREAKING COW!!! Tell me you live in Wisconsin without telling me you live in Wisconsin.” She also pasted a message on the video itself that read “That’s a whole (expletive) cow in the back of that car!”

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