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Virgin Islands Republican Party leaves Milwaukee confident of victory in November

Virgin Islands Republican Party leaves Milwaukee confident of victory in November

MILWAUKEE — Over the past two weeks delegates from the Republican Party in the Virgin Islands have been in Wisconsin working hard to ensure proper representation for our beautiful territory on the national stage.

The Republican Party is coming out of the convention more united than ever.

We have a clear message and vision for the American people.

“President Trump and Senator Vance will bring safety and security to the country,” John Yob, chairman of the Virgin Islands Republican Party, said. “We thank President Trump for the support and attention he has given our territory since his overwhelming caucus victory. We also thank the RNC for their warm recognition at this convention and look forward to electing Republicans in November. We are united, and we are going to win again.”

Republican candidate for Delegate to Congress, Ronald Pickard, joined the delegation in Milwaukee to get the word out about his campaign against the current Democrat delegate to Congress, Stacey Plaskett.

He campaigned hard taking part in dozens of interviews and drawing support from many. His hard work on bringing attention to this very important race did not go unnoticed.

At the convention, delegates to the RNC adopted a party platform that vows to protect our often forgotten territories:

Republicans Will Protect Americans in the Territories.

The territories of Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico are of vital importance to our National Security, and we welcome their greater participation in all aspects of the political process.

Back in February of this year, President Trump won the 2024 Virgin Islands Republican Caucus by massive margins granting him support from all of our party’s delegates.

The RPVI delegation joined Republicans across the nation in throwing 100% of their support behind President Donald Trump and nominating him as the Republican nominee for president.

The elected delegation:

John Yob – State Chairman – Delegation Chairman – Platform

Jevon Williams – National Committeeman – Permanent Organization

Antoinette Gumbs-Hecht – National Committeewoman – Permanent Organization

Delegate – April Newland – Platform

Alternate – Valerie Stiles – Rules and Order of Business

Alternate – Alexandria Coronado Hughes – Credentials

A special thanks to the delegation and those who joined them in representing us in Milwaukee:

John Yob

April Newland

Valerie Stiles

Alexandria Coronado Hughes

Alexandra Bonthron

Barbara de la Portilla

Dan de la Portilla

Chip Englehard

Jim Hughes

Maria Pickard

Ron Pickard

Mary Connette

Mary Wood

Tony Komlanc Jr

Vanessa Coffen

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