Mosler-Fonseca Team Sponsors $4.99 Half Chicken, Johnny Cakes At Meet-Greet Monday

Mosler-Fonseca Team Sponsors $4.99 Half Chicken, Johnny Cakes At Meet-Greet Monday

Mosler-Fonseca Team Sponsors .99 Half Chicken, Johnny Cakes At Meet-Greet Monday

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CHRISTIANSTED — One of the eight teams to challenge the Mapp-Potter ticket will be holding a meeting a greet at mid-island St. Croix tomorrow.

Warren Mosler and Ray Fonseca, who are running for governor and lieutenant governor of the Virgin Islands in the 2018 elections, will be at the La Reine Chicken Shack between 12 noon and 2 p.m. on Monday June 25.

The Mosler-Foseca team is sponsoring a lunch deal where you get a half chicken and two johnny cakes for $4.99.

In radio ads, Mosler and Fonseca say in English and Spanish “come see the man-eating chicken,” being the first team to inject humor into the elections race.

If you want more information, you can go to the 2018Mosler-Fonseca website at: or you can call the La Reine Chicken Shack at (340) 778-5717.

Mosler-Fonseca Team Sponsors .99 Half Chicken, Johnny Cakes At Meet-Greet Monday