WAPA Takes Out Power To 1,620 Customers in Frederiksted Due To 'Broken Pole'

WAPA Takes Out Power To 1,620 Customers in Frederiksted Due To ‘Broken Pole’

WAPA Takes Out Power To 1,620 Customers in Frederiksted Due To 'Broken Pole'

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FREDERIKSTED — The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority said at least 1,620 people on St. Croix are without power tonight.

Approximately 1,620 customers on a portion of St. Croix Feeder 8B are experiencing an electrical service interruption while crews replace a broken pole in the vicinity of the Industrial Park, the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA) said.

WAPA said the affected are: St. George’s, Paradise, Castle Burke, Mountain Pleasant, UVI campus, Golden Grove Correctional Facility and the Aureo Diaz housing community.

The Authority said the power might come back at 9:30 p.m. tonight.