Coronavirus Report: 67-Year-Old St. Croix Woman Is 4th COVID-19 Fatality In USVI (UPDATE)

Coronavirus Report: 67-Year-Old St. Croix Woman Is 4th COVID-19 Fatality In USVI (UPDATE)

CHRISTIANSTED — The U.S. Virgin Islands recorded its fourth death from COVID-19 over the weekend, a 67-year-old woman on St. Croix who died at home, according to Governor Albert Bryan, Jr.

The woman who died was never hospitalized, but was tested for presence of the coronavirus “post mortem,” Bryan said, speaking at a press conference at Government House on St. Croix this afternoon.

“It is a solemn reminder that the virus continues to be a clear and ever-present danger in our community,” the governor said. “We regrettably give our condolences to her, her family and all her loved ones and friends.”

Meanwhile, three more confirmed cases of COVID-19 were also reported over the weekend, all of them on St. Croix.

The Virgin Islands Department of Health is currently tracking four active cases of COVID-19 in the territory, according to Bryan.

The three previous deaths involved people over the age of 71 who had underlying health problems, Bryan said previously.

To date, 780 individuals have been tested for the novel coronavirus, with 716 of them testing negative for the virus, and 59 testing positive. Of those who tested positive, 51 have recovered, and five tests are pending.

Coronavirus Report: 67-Year-Old St. Croix Woman Is 4th COVID-19 Fatality In USVI (UPDATE)
Crucians ignored social distancing orders and partied at Rainbow Beach in Frederiksted on Sunday April 26.

The governor said he is preparing to issue a new executive order that will describe the phased reopening of non-essential businesses and the guidelines by which they are to adhere. He also pointed out that the current stay-at-home order expires at midnight on April 30.

Bryan likened his approach to reopening the economy to a three-legged stool, with one leg representing safety and the public health, one leg representing the USVI’s economic concerns and the third leg representing our rights to personal freedoms.

“Over the next few weeks, and perhaps months, we will try to optimize the balance of these concerns,” Bryan said. “That will require some trial and error. As we approach this phased reopening, we will take things one step at a time. If we find that we are heading in the wrong direction as a community, we will fall back to the prior restrictions. Our progress depends on the cooperation of the general public. Part of our roll-out will include an alert system, and we will try to make our decisions and the reasons for those decisions as clear and transparent as possible.”

The governor also said that during the next two weeks he will be sending legislation for consideration to the 33rd Legislature, including efforts to change the definition of “in person,” which Governor Bryan said currently is outdated because people are ever-present no matter where they are because of instant messaging, video and cell phones.

“It is past time that our law reflects these technological advancements, and the current situation mandates that we adjust post haste,” the Governor said.

Bryan said he will also send a revision of the cannabis legislation to the Legislature, and he said that his administration has gathered further public input about the proposed cannabis law and has addressed specific concerns of our respective senators.

“As the economic disaster the last few weeks has affected GERS greatly, it is our hope that we can have a greater sense of exigency in implementing all the things that can help us regain solvency,” the Governor said. “Once again, it is not the panacea, but certainly cutting the annuity of retirees by 30 percent cannot be the path either.”

Bryan also said he is transmitting a request to extend the current state of emergency executive order to July 12.

“Currently, the law only allows us to request a 30-day extension,” the governor said. “We are asking the Legislature to consider 60 days due to the infrequency of hearings and the fact that we will most likely be in this state of emergency for the balance of the summer.”

Bryan also formally announced the Your Energy Stimulus (YES) program today that will assist residents and businesses in paying their Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority electricity bills with a $250 credit for active residential accounts and a $500 credit for active business accounts. The credit will be applied to and appear on the May power bill as YES Cares Act Credit, and it cannot be converted to cash. Unused portions of the YES Cares Act Credit will be applied to the following month’s bill.

The governor also announced that the Virgin Islands Department of Labor has issued 1,595 unemployment checks totaling $1,110,365, and the department continues processing unemployment claims for residents.

Bryan also announced that as of this morning, the federal Small Business Administration is again accepting applications from businesses in the U.S. Virgin for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which offers businesses loans that will be forgiven if the company keeps all employees on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for rent, mortgage interest or utilities.

“To date, 240 Virgin Islands businesses have received more than $62 million under the PPP,” Bryan said. “I want to encourage all small businesses to please take advantage of this program.”

Regarding the federal stimulus checks, the governor expressed his frustration that the U.S. Treasury has failed to issue the policy to administer the funds to the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, and he called on Delegate Stacey Plaskett to redouble her efforts in getting that money to the Territory.

“We are not second class citizens and are quite tired of being treated as such,” Bryan said. “The latest conversations indicate the payments will be delayed until the end of May or June. This is unacceptable, and we will continue to work to get this money to our residents.”

The governor said that on Friday, with the guidance of Department of Health officials, he plans to broaden the scope of what business and recreation can be conducted safely.

“It’s going to be a while before we get through this, and we have to be trusting and brave in order to make it,” he said. “This is totally uncharted water. No one has been here before, and we are adjusting to the virus and the myriad situations that it creates by the minute. We will continue to be vigilant and use all the information and resources we have to grow the economy, respect your personal freedom and, most importantly, keep you and your family safe.”

The governor’s next update on COVID-19 is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday.


Positive: 59 (20 STX; 37 STT; 2 STJ)

Negative: 716 (370 STX; 322 STT; 24 STJ)

Pending: 5 (4 STX; 1 STT; 0 STJ)

Recovered: 51/59 recovered

Deaths: 4

Coronavirus Report: 67-Year-Old St. Croix Woman Is 4th COVID-19 Fatality In USVI (UPDATE)
Coronavirus Report: 67-Year-Old St. Croix Woman Is 4th COVID-19 Fatality In USVI (UPDATE)