Project woman assaulted after rejecting advances of New Jersey aggressor

CHRISTIANSTED — A stateside woman faces assault and home invasion charges after a friend she met on Facebook spurned her romantic advances on St. Croix.

Mary Rose “Gypsy” Cullens of New Jersey was arrested and charged with first-degree burglary, home invasion, simple assault & battery, and damage to property, Superior Court records show.

The case began when a resident of a housing complex in Christiansted called 911 on the afternoon of June 8 to report that a woman named “Gypsy” was inside one of the apartments, assaulting the tenant who lived there. The assault victim later presented herself at the Ancilmo Marshall Command to share her side of the story.‌

Mug shot of Mary Rose “Gypsy” Cullens of New Jersey

Officers noted the victim’s swollen face, her black and blue right eye, and the abrasion on the right side of her head. Despite complaining of pain in her nose, face and neck and reporting four lumps on her forehead, she declined medical attention and instead began to recount what she said happened.

‌The woman told police that “Gypsy” – Mary Rose Cullens – sent her a Facebook friend request in April. They spoke occasionally through Facebook messenger until on June 5, Cullens reached out to her new Facebook friend asking her to hang out. The woman agreed, and two days later, Cullens picked her up. The pair reportedly attended an event at a local nightclub before returning to the hotel where Cullens was staying. The woman told police that Cullens made several sexual advances towards her that night, all of which she declined.

The following day, June 8, the two women went down to the beach, and afterwards separated because Cullens had to pack for her return trip to New Jersey. The woman said she went to her own apartment, secured the door, and went to sleep, her minor child in her arms.

However, she reported that she was awoken from sleep by Cullens, who was standing on her bed and punching her in the face while her child screamed. The woman attempted to defend herself but was overpowered. She recounted how Cullens then forcibly removed a portable air conditioner from the window and hurled it toward the ground near the child. Following this, Cullens rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a carton of eggs, and hurled them against the wall and floor. After this outburst of anger, Cullens left the scene, but not before a neighbor, alarmed by the noise, had called 911.

After inspecting the apartment, which officers said reeked of rotting egg smell, officers tried to contact Cullens, but were informed that she had already checked out of her hotel. Officers staking out the Henry E. Rohlsen Airport did not see her there. Therefore, a temporary warrant was issued for Cullens’ arrest,

The suspect Cullens was next spotted at the Cyril E. King Airport on St. Thomas, attempting to buy a ticket on a flight heading back to New Jersey. She was detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents and subsequently turned over to police.

Cullens reportedly declined to provide a statement to officers, and was subsequently arrested and charged with assault and home invasion charges. She was remanded into custody of the Bureau of Corrections pending an advice-of-rights hearing.

In court on Tuesday, Judge Ernest Morris Jr. found probable cause to uphold all charges against Ms. Cullens. Bail was established at $75,000, of which she is required to pay $4,000.00 in cash with the rest as an unsecured bond, in order to be released ahead of trial.

‌Cullens’ arraignment was scheduled for before the Fourth of July holiday.