EPA Announces Final Two Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Events on St. Croix

EPA Announces Final Two Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Events on St. Croix

FREDERIKSTEDThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sponsoring the final two household hazardous waste drop off events on St. Croix this Friday and Saturday at the Home Depot from 8 a.m. to – 4 p.m.

A free drop off site is also available at the Evelyn Williams Elementary School and it is open seven days a week but will close on February 18, 2018.

“Take protection to protect your family,” the EPA said. “Certain household items can pose risks if not handled properly. The EPA is here to help. If you have the items listed below, please bring them to the EPA’s drop off locations so we can dispose of them properly.”