St. Thomas' Carl Pratt Jr. Accused of Entering Women's Restroom At Ferry Terminal To Savagely Beat His Daughter

St. Thomas’ Carl Pratt Jr. Accused of Entering Women’s Restroom At Ferry Terminal To Savagely Beat His Daughter

St. Thomas' Carl Pratt Jr. Accused of Entering Women's Restroom At Ferry Terminal To Savagely Beat His Daughter

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CHARLOTTE AMALIE — A 45-year-old St. Thomas man is accused of jumping over a stall wall in a women’s restroom in order to assault a girl at the Red Hook Ferry Terminal.

Carl Pratt Jr. was arrested and charged with second-degree assault-domestic violence on Friday in connection with the shocking January 12 incident.

Police were called to the Schneider Regional Medical Center at 11:40 a.m. on Jan. 12 to investigate a case where the daughter accused her father of assault.

The minor told police that Pratt entered the women’s restroom at the ferry terminal, jumped over a stall and slammed her head against a wall once he was with her in that confined space.

The girl said that Pratt then dragged her out of the restroom stall, slapped her in the face and started strangling her.

Pratt was turned over to the Bureau of Corrections with no bail offered as per the Virgin Islands domestic violence statute,

He remains there pending an advice of rights hearing.

The Red Hook Ferry Terminal in St. Thomas is officially called the Urman Victor Fredericks Marine Terminal.