CHRISTIANSTED — The Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital and Medical Center (JFL) said Emergency Department restroom facilities for patients and staff are now working.
The restrooms are adjacent to the ambulance bay with a total of four restrooms including one that is Americans With Disabilities Act compliant, the V.I. Department of Health said.
Each comfort station is complete with a commode, sink, and shower, according to the Health Department.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony, led by Acting CEO Dyma Williams and supported by JFL staff and well-wishers, was held to officiate its completion on Friday.
“We thank the JFL maintenance staff for their hard work and dedication to completing this project and return of service,” Williams said.

They built a bathroom that will be torn down when they start contruction of the new hospital. Makes no sense to me.
Obviously you have not been a patient on the ER in the recent past, or with someone who was really ailing because you don’t understand how important a bathroom is
When you have to go, you have to go and that includes staff
The longer you take getting to the facilities the more precarious the situation becomes. The inside of the hospital is confusing with many twists and turns. Whatever can be done to make it easier for the good of all SHOULD BE DONE
And that was accomplished with these and when the new building of finished in 6 or 7 years these bathrooms will have served the peoples needs