Man Charged With Strangling Woman On St. Croix

Man Charged With Strangling Woman On St. Croix

FREDERIKSTED — A St. Croix man was arrested over the weekend after a woman came forward to report that he strangled her to the point of being unable to breathe on multiple occasions.

Earl Andre, 22, was arrested Saturday and charged with second-degree assault-domestic violence, the Virgin Islands Police Department said.

An adult female visited the Wilbur H. Francis Command to report that she was assaulted by her ex-boyfriend, Earl Andre in September, according to the VIPD.

Man Charged With Strangling Woman On St. Croix

VIPD mug shot of Earl Andre, 22, on St. Croix

“The female stated that during the assault, she was strangled numerous times, to the point that she was unable to breathe,” VIPD spokeswoman Kishma Chichester said. “She also added that while Andre was strangling her, he repeatedly told her that he will kill her in the presence of her infant son, who was laying on the bed during the assault.”

The female did not report the assault immediately because she was in fear for her safety and
her family’s safety due to threats that Andre made to her, according to Chichester.

“Eventually, she overcame her fears and decided to report the assault after a series of incidents in which Andre continued to harass, taunt, and slander her name,” Chichester added.

Man Charged With Strangling Woman On St. Croix

No bail was offered to Andre as per the territory’s domestic violence laws.

He was remanded to the custody of the Bureau of Corrections at the Golden Grove prison pending an advice-of-rights hearing.

“She wait until two months to make a report well knowing we done long time ago,” Andre said as his alter ego “André Błacks” on Facebook today.