Beachgoers face ‘life-threatening rip currents’ this weekend, NWS says

Beachgoers face ‘life-threatening rip currents’ this weekend, NWS says

SAN JUAN —  Pulses of a long-period northerly swell and increasing east winds during the weekend will promote choppy and hazardous seas for small craft and life-threatening rip currents for beachgoers through Sunday.

These conditions are expected to improve later on Sunday into early next week.

Potential Risks and Impacts

Marine: Northerly swells, with a long-dominant period up to 14 seconds. East winds at 10 to 15 knots,
with gusts up to 25 knots. Hazardous seas up to 7 feet, with occasional seas up to 9 feet, tonight through Sunday morning. Small Craft Advisories have been issued for the offshore Atlantic waters and
coastal waters of northern Puerto Rico.

Surf Zone: Life-threatening rip current conditions across the west, north, and east-facing beaches of Puerto Rico and Culebra through Sunday afternoon. High Surf conditions due to large breaking waves up to 10 fe t are possible tonight into Saturday, generating dangerous swimming conditions and minor beach erosion across vulnerable beaches.

Weather: The risk of excessive rainfall is low, while there is a limited risk of wind hazards across coastal areas during the weekend.

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