CHARLOTTE AMALIE — On behalf of Governor Albert Bryan, Acting Governor Tregenza Roach took action on five bills passed by the 35th Legislature at its November 20, 2024 session.
Governor Bryan was in Washington, D.C. for a series of meetings with key members of Congress, officials in the Biden administration, and representatives of the incoming Trump administration.
On behalf of Governor Bryan, Lieutenant Governor Roach approved Bills 35-0205, 35-0271, 35-0402 and 35-0412, and vetoed Bill No. 35-0403.
Lt. Governor Roach approved Bill No. 35-0205, an Act appropriating $900,000 to the Virgin Islands Department of Sports, Parks and Recreation to build an equestrian training facility in Estate Body Slob, St. Croix, and Bill No. 35-0271, an Act amending title 20 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 43, subchapter I by adding a section 494b establishing school speed zones, signage, and enforcement measures to promote student and pedestrian safety near schools.
“To enhance the effectiveness of this important legislation, it would be beneficial to amend §534 to permit all law enforcement officers, not just the VlPD, to enforce infractions, ensuring broader and more consistent compliance monitoring,” Lt. Governor Roach noted.
He also approved Bill No. 35-0402, an Act amending title 5 Virgin Islands Code, subtitle I, chapter 3, sections 31 and 36 extending the statute of limitations to bring a civil action involving childhood sexual abuse.
Lt. Governor Roach approved Bill No. 35-0412, an Act amending title 31 Virgin Islands Code, chapters 21 and 23. sections 205,231 a. 232,236, 236a, and 239 pertaining to the management of public property and procurement and sale of goods and services; amending title 19 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 34, section 778(g) pertaining to the Virgin Islands Cannabis Use Act; amending title 30 Virgin Islands Code, section I 04 pertaining to the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority; amending Acts Nos. 8899 and 8916 to provide supplemental appropriations; and for other related purposes, however I have exercised my line-item veto power granted by the Virgin Islands Revised Organic Act of 1954 § 9 to strike two sections.
” I have stricken section 3 because the Governor’s ability to address the impacts of an emergency should not be arbitrarily restricted; and I have stricken section 9, which would have removed funding from the University of the Virgin Islands and directed it to the Economic Development Authority for grants to farmers and fishermen,” Lt. Governor Roach wrote.
He vetoed Bill No. 35-0403, an Act amending title 20 Virgin Islands Code, part II by repealing and re-enacting with amendments chapter 49 relating to abandoned and derelict motor vehicles. In his transmittal letter to Senate Novelle E. Francis Jr., Lt. Governor Roach noted that the existing statute that addresses abandoned motor vehicles is adequate. He wrote that currently, each island Administrator from the Office of the Governor carries out the mandate of addressing abandoned motor vehicles throughout the territory.
“Transferring the operation of the abandoned motor vehicle program exclusively to the Virgin Islands Police Department creates more work for a department that is already stretched thin. The issue can and should be addressed through the administrators’ offices,” Lt. Governor Roach wrote.