DHS offers applications for domestic violence prevention programs

DHS offers applications for domestic violence prevention programs

CHARLOTTE AMALIE — The Virgin Islands Department of Human Services announces the availability of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Family Violence Prevention and Services/Domestic Violence Shelter and Support Services as well as Family Violence Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services Program funding for eligible non-profit and nongovernmental domestic violence and sexual assault service providers with the award periods ending September 30, 2025.

The purpose of the Family Violence Prevention Services funds is to help victims of domestic violence and their dependent children by providing shelter and related help, offering violence prevention programs, and improving how service agencies work together in communities.

The purpose of the ARP Grants to Support Survivors of Sexual Assault is to assist with virtual/remote services for rape crisis centers, sexual assault programs and culturally specific programs that provide crisis services, support services, and assistance to survivors of sexual assault, and to support the increased emergency needs of sexual assault survivors.

To obtain an application, email carla.benjamin@dhs.vi.gov with the subject titled: REQUEST FOR ARP DV FVPSA APPLICATION or REQUEST FOR ARP SA FVPSA APPLICATION or visit the VIDHS office on St. Thomas at the Knud Hansen Complex at Hospital Ground or 3012 Golden Rock on St. Croix. You may also call (340) 718-2980 (St. Croix) or (340)774-0930 (St. Thomas) for further information.

Completed application must be submitted electronically or dropped off by February 28,2025. The Department of Human Services (VIDHS) exists to provide social services to members in our community with diverse needs. Please visit the Department of Human Services website,

You may also call (340) 718-2980 (St. Croix) or (340)774-0930 (St. Thomas) for further information. Completed application must be submitted electronically or dropped off by February 28,2025.