CHARLOTTE AMALIE —A St. Thomas woman was arrested after being accused of beating a 9-year-old boy with a metal clothes hanger and a belt, authorities said.
Althia Henry, 33, was arrested and charged with child abuse, third-degree assault-domestic violence, and disturbance of the peace-domestic violence, the Virgin Islands Police Department said.
The case began yesterday, when the Domestic Violence Unit was notified that a family member assaulted a minor victim, according to the VIPD.

VIPD mug shot of Althia Henry, 33, of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
The victim, a 9-year-old male, agreed to provide the detectives of the Domestic Violence Unit with a
statement, police said.
“The victim stated that Althia Henry struck him several times with a metal hanger then proceeded to strike him about the body and face with a leather belt,” VIPD spokeswoman Kishma Chichester said. “He further stated that the assault started after a verbal dispute with his little brother ensued.”
The victim was dropped off to school with visible injuries about the body, which led the school’s administration to contact Human Services and the VIPD, according to Chichester.
The injured boy was then transported to the Schneider Regional Medical Center in Charlotte Amalie for treatment.
Henry was arrested and taken into official custody by the Domestic Violence Unit on Thursday, according to police.
“She was advised of her Constitutional Rights and refused to provide a statement,” Chichester said.
Henry was then booked and processed. No bail was offered as per the territory’s domestic violence laws.
This case is currently under investigation by the Domestic Violence Unit.
Anyone with information about this crime can notify 911, the Domestic Violence Unit at 340- 715-5535, or
the Office of the Police Chief.