Buzzed Driving Could Cost You A Pot Of Gold On St. Patty’s Day … It Could Also Cost Someone’s Life: VIPD

FREDERIKSTED — Buzzed driving could cost you a pot of gold come St. Patrick’s Day.

But the message is — to drive safe — so you can stay safe.

VIPD Police Commissioner Trevor Velinor and the Office of Highway Safety said they understand that people are looking for a reason to celebrate, and they want their community to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day — but they also wanted to emphasize the importance of safe driving.

If you plan to consume alcohol or have been drinking alcohol, make the right choice to find a sober driver to get you and your friends home safely. Before you put your keys in the ignition, remind yourself: “Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving.”

Buzzed driving is a continuous problem in our community, especially around days like St. Patrick’s Day. In March 2020, there were three hundred and six (306) crashes in the territory (96 in St. Croix, and 210 in St. Thomas/St. John).

Designated Drivers should also be aware of pedestrians who have had too much to drink. Walking while intoxicated can be deadly, as lack of attention to their surroundings could put pedestrians at risk of getting struck by a vehicle.

If you are the designated driver, keep that promise of safety to yourself and your passengers. People are trusting you to be alert to traffic conditions, other drivers, and pedestrians on the roadway. Do not be the reason that someone, including yourself, does not get home. “Don’t let St. Patrick’s Day become an anniversary of a tragic night.”