VI Slice town hall meetings introduce first-time home buyers to the process

VI Slice town hall meetings introduce first-time home buyers to the process

FREDERIKSTED — The Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority will hold a series of town hall meetings about the V.I. Slice Moderate-Income Homeownership Program starting tomorrow on St. Croix.

The goal is to inform the community about how VI Slice can assist eligible USVI households with bridging the gap to buying or building their first home.

The town hall meetings will allow residents to meet with our team and the participating VI Slice lenders, as well as clarify questions about the program, and find out how gap financing works.

The schedule for the VI Slice Town Hall Meetings follows. Each evening, it will be held from 6:00 p.m.-
8:00 p.m.

Dates and Venues

VI Slice town hall meetings introduce first-time home buyers to the process

Registration is mandatory. Click here to register online or call (340) 714-1700 (St. Thomas) or (340)
773-6499 (St. Croix) to register. The registration deadline is Monday, March 25, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
To learn more about the VI Slice program visit or email

VI Slice town hall meetings introduce first-time home buyers to the process