Human Services says SNAP benefits increased on October 1

CHARLOTTE AMALIE — The Department of Human Services (VIDHS) is excited to announce an
increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, effective October 1, 2024.
This increase represents a critical step in ensuring that our most vulnerable residents have access
to the resources they need to feed themselves and their families, especially as the cost of living
continues to rise.

SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, is a vital lifeline for low-income individuals and households
across the Virgin Islands. The increase comes as part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA)
annual adjustment to SNAP maximum allotments and income eligibility guidelines at the start of the
federal fiscal year. While the exact amount of the increase will depend on household size, it marks a
significant boost in support for the thousands of families relying on this program.

What does this mean for the Virgin Islands?

In a move to further support our local families, the Virgin Islands has opted to raise the gross income
limit for Categorically Eligible (CATEL) SNAP households from 130% to an impressive 175% of the
Federal Poverty Income Guidelines (FPIGs). This increase opens the door to benefits for more
families, expanding access to those who need it most. While the increase affects the gross income
test, households are still required to report once their income exceeds 130% of the FPIGs, as the
Virgin Islands remains under Simplified Reporting Requirements.

This adjustment is more than just numbers—it reflects our commitment to ensuring that no household
goes hungry. By increasing the income threshold, we are making it easier for working families, who
may have previously earned just above the old limit, to now qualify for assistance.

How to learn more:

A chart is attached, detailing the new benefit amounts based on household size.
If you are a SNAP household and do not see an increase in your benefits, or if you have questions
about your eligibility, DHS encourages you to contact your local SNAP office:
 St. Croix: (340) 772-7100, Ext. 7159 or 7166
 St. Thomas: (340) 774-0930, Ext. 4303 or (340) 774-2399
 St. John: (340) 776-6334

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