FREDERIKSTED – April is dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of impaired and distracted driving.
Every year, countless lives are needlessly lost due to these preventable behaviors on the road. It’s time for collective action to make a difference on our roadways.
Impaired driving, whether due to alcohol, drugs, or medication, significantly increases the
risk of crashes. Even a small amount can impair judgment, reaction time, and coordination,
putting everyone on the road at risk.
Distracted driving, often caused by texting, talking on the phone, eating, rubbernecking, or
adjusting the radio while driving, poses another significant threat. Just a moment of
distraction can lead to devastating consequences.

During the month of April, let’s pledge to be responsible drivers. Remember to always
designate a sober driver if you plan to consume alcohol, and never get behind the wheel if
you’re impaired. Additionally, curb distractions by keeping your attention focused on the road
and avoiding activities that divert your concentration away from driving.
Remember: “Put the Phone Away or Pay” and “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.” These
slogans serve as poignant reminders of the importance of staying alert and undistracted while
Together, we can make our roads safer for everyone. Spread the word, educate others, and
join the movement to end impaired and distracted driving. Let’s ensure that every journey is a
safe one.
Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving, VI & Put the Phone Away or Pay
Join us in observing Impaired and Distracted Driving Awareness Month this April. Together,
let’s save lives and create safer roads for all. For more information, and resources on impaired
driving prevention visit or or to
request a traffic safety presentation, contact the Virgin Islands Office of Highway Safety
through Director Daphne O’Neal at, Impaired Driving
Coordinator K’ Tonya Petrus at k’tonya. You may also contact the office via
telephone at 340-772-3025, or 340-513-5291.