Today Is The Last Day of The Atlantic Hurricane Season … It’s Finally Over And We Have Hopes Of Recovery Going Into 2018

CHRISTIANSTED — Today is the last day of the highly active, deadly and destructive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, but Virgin Islanders will feel its impact

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CHTA WEBINAR: Caribbean Hoteliers Can Expect Up To A 40 Percent Increase In Their Insurance Premiums Next Year

BRIDGETOWN — Caribbean hoteliers should plan now for an increase in insurance premiums anticipated to range from 10 to 40 percent following two Category 5

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DAY OF THE DOLPHIN! Animal Rights Experts Say Planned Coral World ‘Dolphinarium’ Is Nothing More Than A ‘Dolphin Prison’ and Should Be Banned

CHARLOTTE AMALIE — People here are organizing against a “dolphinarium” proposed for Coral World on St. Thomas — what they call a “dolphin prison” with

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