Coalition of Representatives and Senators In Congress Willing To Help The Virgin Islands and Puerto Is Growing

Coalition of Representatives and Senators In Congress Willing To Help The Virgin Islands and Puerto Is Growing

[ad name=”HTML-68″] ORLANDO — Florida Rep. Darren Soto, with other Congressional Democrats, is pushing for legislation that would hopefully, and finally, give the Virgin Islands

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EVERYONE ON ANEGADA HAD TO BE EVACUATED! British Virgin Islands Still Has About 300 People Living In Emergency Shelters After 'Irma-Geddon'

EVERYONE ON ANEGADA HAD TO BE EVACUATED! British Virgin Islands Still Has About 300 People Living In Emergency Shelters After ‘Irma-Geddon’

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, BVI — The government of the British Virgin Islands was faced with housing about 300 persons in emergency shelters following the devastation

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Today Is The Last Day of The Atlantic Hurricane Season ... It's Finally Over And We Have Hopes Of Recovery Going Into 2018

Today Is The Last Day of The Atlantic Hurricane Season … It’s Finally Over And We Have Hopes Of Recovery Going Into 2018

CHRISTIANSTED — Today is the last day of the highly active, deadly and destructive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, but Virgin Islanders will feel its impact

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